Saturday, September 29, 2012

"Protect your identity" Right!

We are told that we should never give out our Social Security Number. Have you ever tried to fill out any form without it having a place for that number? Every time I go to a new doctor. Every time I apply for a credit card. Whenever you fill out anything for a state government or the Federal Government. Try applying for a job without having to give out your number!

I'm not stupid about it like the CEO of LifeLock who published his Social Security Number in their ads - and has had his identity stolen a number of times. But if I have to show my Social Security Number to get something I need, I do it. It reminds me of the time I was going to be traveling in foreign countries for work. I was warned to never let anyone take my passport. Then, every hotel I stayed in wanted to keep it the first night. They'd give it back to me in the morning.  I wonder if my passport was copied or used by the wrong people? I suppose I'll never know.

It just makes you wonder about other things we were told to never do. Maybe it's OK to not look before you leap. Maybe we don't really have to lather, rinse and repeat.  Good grief - maybe we can even end a sentence with a preposition!

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