Monday, January 08, 2018

Our 24th Anniversary

Getting back into writing my blog is more difficult than I thought. Not only do you have to remember to write, you have to remember how to write! Getting your thoughts into print is a skill and it is easy to get out of practice. And when something is hard (or harder than it used to be), it is hard to get started. Also, when you know something is going to take a lot of time, it is difficult to allow yourself the time to do it.

All of that is a preamble to why this article is late. My wife and I have been married for 24 years. We were married on January 8, 1994 and I am writing this on January 10, 2018. But I am post-dating it to January 8 because that is day what this is about. The sad part is, this should be an easy post to write but I'm spending more time thinking about it and writing excuses than I am writing about our anniversary.

Not only is this post late but my gift to my wife will be late, too. We did shop for and buy a new ring for her but it needs to be resized and it won't be ready for a couple of weeks. I should have started earlier. I did get her a nice card and a small rose bush (to be planted in the spring) on time. But I'm not going to be adding the picture of the rose bush until even later!

We had a nice day. We went to our favorite Chinese buffet restaurant and got a great meal. Our kids came with us and enjoyed themselves, too. So January 8, 2018 was a nice day. And even two days later, I'm still feeling happy about it. And 24 years after marrying my wife, I'm even happier now than I was then - and I was very happy then. I highly recommend getting married if you find the right person to marry.

{Edit - I was going to add a picture of the miniature rose bush I bought my Sweetie for our anniversary but then I saw she had this picture from our wedding on her Facebook page. So, that's what you see here. It had snowed pretty heavily on the days before our wedding and a lot of people weren't able to make it. We ended up asking people at the last minute if they wanted to come to the reception due to so many people not being able to make it.]

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