Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Thirty one years of marriage

Today is our 31st wedding anniversary. We both got started late (Cindy was 32 and I was 42) but it was worth the wait! At the wedding, I told the story of a friend in college who said he was praying for his wife. He wasn't yet married and wasn't getting married soon but was praying for the safety of his future wife - whoever she was. I thought that was a good idea so I started praying for my future wife, too. I was 19 and had no idea I was praying for a 9 year old girl (we didn't meet for another 12 years)! But it all worked out. As another friend said, don't rush into marriage like I did. Pray and prepare and grow wise.

[I edited this - Cindy was 32 when we married and I was 42]

Monday, January 06, 2025

New Year's Resolutions - or not

The best New Years Resolutions are the ones that are good for you (or others) and that you can keep. But I
think I've found an even better type of New Years Resolution. That is one that just happens. It is easy because it is something you just do naturally. It either is something you enjoy or something you do that is part of your routine. My best kind of resolution is that I have lost weight without having to think about it much. It all comes from my running around our yard with our dog, Asuna. I haven't had any posts about her since we first got her. Here is a link to that story. It turns out that the post I linked to was published just about this time eight years ago. She has been keeping us busy and active for those eight years but the exercise was hit or miss for most of the time. But about three or four years ago, I decided to make it a scheduled part of the day. We have a one acre lot that is completely fenced in. I can close the gates of our driveway and Asuna can just run loose. She loves that. There are many squirrels, rabbits and birds for her to investigate. She is running at you in the picture here. I have a plastic shovel waiting for her to poop so I can get rid of it.

One problem, though, is that she likes to bark at our neighbors and anyone who happens to walk by on the sidewalk. Actually, she is afraid of everything but in these cases, she barks so the people won't bother her. But that means we never leave her out unless one of us (90% of the time it's me) is out with her. That way, we can assure the person being barked at that they are safe and we can get her away or get her to stop. The good part of this is that I am forced to always be out with her and have to keep up with her. She goes out three of four times a day for about 15 - 20 minutes a time. Now, my weight has increased over the years so that I had weight 220 pounds for a long long time. I had tried to lose weight but could never keep it off. But since I have been keeping up with Asuna, I have lost almost 15 pounds. She is like my having a personal trainer. I have to go where she wants to go when she wants to go. She likes to inspect the whole yard and we have a hill she is happy climb and descend. I have no choice! I don't run but I do have to move along because I don't want to miss a poop or if she happens to start barking at someone.

I don't want to make this sound like it is hard. It is usually the highlight of the day for both of us. Lately, she is fond of sitting on the front porch watching the cars go by. She gets treats while we sit there (don't tell her but they are really just Science Diet Oral Care dog food nuggets that she thinks are treats). So, like I say, it is a resolution that is fun and has a good result.This continued resolution brings us closer together and makes us both more healthy. That's hard to beat.

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Just when you least expected it...

Yes. I'm still around. I completely missed 2024. It's been almost two years since my last post. But since today is New Years Day, I got to thinking how I missed writing blog posts. I'm going to give it a try again this year. We'll see if I can beat the 15 I wrote in 2023. I've already beaten 2022 and 2024.

 I've learned a lot this year. I've read a number of books and I've seen a number of good movies. I've not been practicing the piano like I had hoped to do after I retired but maybe I'll start that again, too. My big accomplishment in 2023 was to read through the entire Bible. I've been reading the Bible (in pieces) my whole life but I had never read straight through it in one year before. It was a great experience and I would like to talk about that, too.

Look at it this way - here is a chance for you to feel better about yourself. Too many times, you see people posting things that make them look wonderful. You only see the best parts of other peoples' lives. It can seem like they are doing the most interesting things and going to the most interesting places. It can make some people feel inadequate because their own lives don't match up to all the interesting things bloggers and YouTube creators are doing and writing about. My stuff is pretty boring and my thoughts aren't particularly insightful. If I start posting again, you can say to yourself, "Well, I may not be very interesting but at least I'm not as bad as that 'Adventures in Engineering' guy."

Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Mastermind? Really?

Roberto E. Rosales/The Albuquerque Journal/AP
It drives me crazy when I see a news story about the capture of some bumbling group of criminals and their leader is referred to as the Mastermind behind their scheme. If they were such a Mastermind, why were they caught? And it's not just their being caught - it always seems to me to a lame idea in the first place. The latest story is this one:

There were a number of shootings at government officials house in New Mexico. It turned out all of the victims were Democrats. As evidence was gathered and suspects rounded up, the one behind all the shootings was determined to be a Republican candidate who had lost the election and claimed it was stolen from him. Sound familiar?

Among the stupid things he did in organizing the scheme was his participation in at least one of the shootings and his sending out a picture of himself with one of the other suspects. One of the suspects was pulled over with his car loaded with guns because he already had an arrest warrant out for him. It always seems like criminals can't just lie low when they are already in trouble - they seem to be compelled to get into even more trouble.

How is this being a Mastermind? Why are these people given credit as if they are so smart? As if they make such detailed, infallible plans? I am hoping that, someday, the news organizations and the police and government officials will start calling these people the correct thing - stupid idiots.

The word Master Mind (two words at that time) is said to have been coined by a man named Napoleon Hill in his 1925 book “The Law of Success." One citation of this is found in this link. He listed the benefits of working cooperatively with a a group of business colleagues. But the idea of a master mind group goes back even further to Benjamin Franklin who organized a group of his friends to meet regularly to help each other improve themselves and to also cooperate on projects for the good of their community (the Junto Club he organized helped start the first lending library, the University of Pennsylvania and a hospital. More at this link. Now, that's what I call a Mastermind! If only our modern criminal masterminds had been members of a real Mastermind Group or even a church where sinful people can come together to help out both themselves and their neighbors.

I'm not the only one saying that the use of Mastermind in these cases is not only wrong but it also an insult to the really smart people in the world. A much better written blog than mine (the Oxford University Press blog) brought this up back in 2016. It pointed to another pretty smart guy who decried the use of this word to describe horrible people. This article points to a different origin to the word but, again, it started as a positive association. We need to keep it that way. This term should never be used for a violent, evil person again.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

I'm up to my old tricks

It's been six days since I last posted and I'm starting to worry about myself. Am I just going to go back to my old ways? Am I going to miss the opportunity to write down my thoughts and what is happening in my life - again? Maybe. I don't have a good track record but today is another day and I'm going to try again.

As I look back on my previous post, I realize that I missed the point of the church sign I mentioned. Here it is again:

"Lots of people want to work for God but only as an adviser."

My post treated this quote like we just ignore what God wants us to do but now I see (I think) that what the sign means is many of us want to tell God what to do or, at least, offer suggestions on what He should be doing. We want to advise Him about what is right or what His priorities should be.

"God, that guy really needs to be punished." "God, I really could use a new car." Perhaps not quite so blatantly but we all say, "God, help me make it though this problem," often adding, "And I'll never get in this situation again." Or, trying to be thankful, praying, "God, I thank you that I am not as bad a person as that guy over there." Where have we heard that before? Hint: Luke 18:9-14

I'm not just pointing my finger here. I do this, too, and probably more often than you. But I am going to try, again, to change the way I work for God. Of course, a big part of that involves communication and that means I need to remind myself who I am praying to. God loves us. He is our Heavenly Father. "What a Friend We Have in Jesus." But I need to remind myself that I am praying to the God who created the Universe. He is not merely my buddy. I am praying to the great, good God who is worthy of my praise. I need to confess my sin and other failings to Him and to be ready to change. I need to thank Him for all the things he has already given me and for sending His son Jesus to save me and take away those sins. Finally, I need to ask him for wisdom and to know what He would ask me to do.I need to ask for His help in doing the things He wants me to do. I need to ask for courage when the things He asks of me are difficult.

And I need to rededicate myself to writing in this blog as often as I can to remind me of what has gone before and to refine my thoughts by putting them in print. Some people say your thoughts are not worth anything if you can't put them into words. That may be too harsh but I'm going to use it to motivate me.


Sunday, January 15, 2023

Church sign from years ago

When I was still working, I rode my scooter on back roads to work because the main road was a four-lane highway and the speed limit of 55 MPH was just beyond the limit of my scooter. And no one really went 55 on that road. So, the few times I took that road, cars and trucks would be whizzing by me and sometimes I felt like I would be blown over.

On one of the back roads was the small Cataumet United Methodist Church with a sign that often had interesting sayings on it. I wrote about this before in a post titled, "A short post about an interesting sign". I haven't been past it for about two years so I don't know if they still have the sign out front. I hope they do. It was always something fun and it led to many conversations at work.

The sign I wanted to mention is from March, 2015. I wrote a draft of this past back then but didn't finish it until now.

"Lots of people want to work for God but only as an adviser."

As Christians, we say we want to do God's work. We say we are Jesus' followers. We say, as in the old hymn, "Where He leads me I will follow." But, as the sign says, we like to pick and choose what we do. We like to have veto power. Our pastor recently had a sermon about the need to listen and open our hearts to God's leading and how important it is to make a decision and that means being willing to do what it takes to do what God asks of us. I have done this a number of times and it turns out that this is not usually as hard as it seems. God is not out to punish us saying, "Oh, so you don't like to travel. You don't like to be in new situations. OK, then. I'm going to call you to be a missionary."

What I have found is that usually, it is something I have a gift for already. Or it is something he has shown me and has prepared me for. He gave me the opportunity to move from the place I grew up to Cape Cod. But before that, my parents had brought me to New England on vacation and I fell in love with it. I always felt that I was meant to live here.

He gave me the opportunity to become the choir director of a small church. It was a big commitment in time and energy but God gave me a musical gift and a love of singing and it was an easy change to make. This happens to most people. It can be easy to feel like you don't want to change but it is both an opportunity to learn and an opportunity to do God's work. I'm hoping that in future posts I can tell about some more of these kinds of things that God has asked of me. And maybe, if I'm courageous enough, I can also list some of the times I didn't.

Friday, January 13, 2023

Trying to save a squirrel didn't go so well

The squirrel we found
In August last year, when I had our dog, Asuna, out running around the yard, she found something interesting. Now, normally, she would chase a squirrel and when they would inevitably climb a tree to escape, she would leap as if she could just fly up and pluck it from the branch it was taunting her from. But in this case, she was hesitant. She sniffed it and looked a little worried. I don't know if it was because it was so still or if it smelled like it was in trouble. She let me check it out without worrying that I might take it away. But I thought I'd just leave it there because I'd heard that the mother would come back and get it. But then I noticed a bunch of ants around it and it was twitching and I thought maybe they were biting at it and it was reacting. I couldn't allow that. So, I picked it up and got all the ants off it. I put it up in the crook of the tree so its mother could find it but then had second thoughts.

I ended up putting it in a small box with some cloth and got some milk and dabbed it around it's mouth. It licked it and I could see it swallow so my wife found a dropper we would have used to give the kids some liquid medicine and fed it milk through that. I had to go very slowly until it realized that the milk was availabe and then I could see it licking and swallowing. I gave it milk until it stopped swallowing and put it back in the box. I did that every hour or so until bedtime. I didn't know where to put it to keep our pets from bothering it so I put it in our unheated garage. I made the decision to not get up in the middle of the night to feed it and just left it alone. I figured if it wasn't alive in the morning, that would tell me that it was beyond help.

Well, the next morning, it had burrowed under the cloth and was still moving when I touched it so I started giving it milk again. My wife had a doctor's appointment that day and I drove her there and then stayed out in the car feeding the squirrel while I waited. That's when she took the picture you see above. This continued through the day and then I thought it was better that I take to the Cape Wildlife Center so my son drove me there while I took care of our little friend. When we got there, it was raining like last time but no tornadoes this time. We had to wait in line behind a number of other rescues. When our turn came, we gave them the information and a donation and they gave us a card with a reference number and a phone number to check on the progress of the little squirrel.

When we got home, Asuna sniffed and sniffed me and seemed to wonder what I'd done with her new friend. I had been letting her see it when I fed it and she was very careful. I think see missed it already - just as I did. I kind of wished I had kept it here a little longer but I figured the Wildlife Center would have better facilities and the right food for it. I had a hard time waiting for a full day to call for a status check. When I did, I got bad news that the little squirrel didn't make it. That's all the information they had. Then the guilt hit me. "I could have done that well myself," I thought. "They were probably too busy to take proper care." "Why didn't they just refuse to take it if they were not going to save it?"

It's death hit me a lot harder than I thought it would. When something has depended on you and you take the time to help it, it does hurt if things don't work out. And that was just part of two days for me. I felt like I had let the little squirrel down. I'll tell you one thing - if Asuna ever finds another baby squirrel, I'm going to take care of it myself. I'm gathering up the information I need and looking for the supplies I need to keep in stock.