Tuesday, March 06, 2018

30,000 miles

On the way into work today, I passed 30,000 miles on my scooter's odometer. The picture on the right shows it. I wasn't quite able to pull off the road at the exact time (hence, the tenths of a mile number is half-way to 1). I ended up down the road from where it really happened which was in front of someone's driveway. I didn't want them to think I was stopping in for a visit.

The lower picture shows where I was when it happened. Not that anyone cares about that. It's just down the road from a cranberry bog I've shown before when they were harvesting in the fall. You can click on the picture to expand it but it won't mean anything to you. Nothing interesting was going on there this morning - except that some weird guy stopped his scooter to take a picture of the dashboard for his blog post.

Since I seem to be putting 4,000 miles a year on my scooter, I could hit 50,000 miles within five years. We'll see.

Thursday, March 01, 2018

Winter Olympics? Summer Olympics? It's all mixed up!

The 2018 Winter Olympics finished in February. I've always been confused by the sports included in the two types of Olympics. Basketball, wrestling, boxing, gymnastics and many other indoor sports are really winter sports. Even volleyball (but not beach volleyball!) is normally played in the winter months. It seems like they should be in the Winter Olympics. A lot of people would complain but if major league sports teams can be moved from one conference or league to another (Astros from the National League to the American League, Seahawks from NFC to AFC then back to NFC), why couln't Olympic sports be moved?

Maybe it would be easier to just rename the Winter Olympics to be the Snow and Ice Olympics. Then, maybe, the Summer Olympics could be called just The Olympics with the Snow and Ice Olympics being a special case of the Olympics.

I know it will never happen but that doesn't mean I'm not right :-)