Today is the first day of, so called, Daylight Saving Time this year. I call it Daylight Moving Time because it doesn't save daylight at all. We are, of course, using the new rules put into effect in 2007 which moves this event even earlier in the year than before and makes it even more ridiculous. The justifications have always been that this saves energy or that people like to have more light in their lives. While both of these are good goals, I don't think this "moving around" of the daylight does either. These rules were certainly not proposed and updated by anyone who gets up and does things before 7 AM. Here are two pictures. The top one was taken at around 6:30 AM on Saturday, March 7 - before the time change. See how nice and bright it is? The second was taken this morning at around 6:40 AM, Sunday, March 8 - after the time change (and 10 minutes "later" to give it a little more time to get bright). Sorry for the blurry image on the second shot. It was so dark, the camera had a hard time getting the focus.
How does this improve anything for those of us

who are up early and want to get things done outside? I say, "Drop the whole, silly Daylight Saving Time mess." Yes, it's brighter when I get home at night. After a hard day of work, I'd just as soon go in, greet my family, have my dinner and sit down to rest. But no! Now that it will be lighter when I get home, I'll feel compelled to do some work while it's still light. Thanks a lot.
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