Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Going to non-existent meetings

I'm getting behind in my posts again and part of the reason is that things are so hectic at work. I been under pressure for a few months. We were working on two different versions of our software product at the same time. The first of those was released just before Christmas and the the other was just released last week. Now, we're pushing on to make a new product that has a very aggressive schedule but I'm also in tech support again this week (see my Customers: who needs 'em? post for more about that). It's not that I write these posts during work hours but that I'm so exhausted by the pace at work, that when there is some free time to write in this blog, I'm too tired to do it.

One indication of the problem is that today I went to a meeting that I wasn't scheduled for! I looked at my email and saw a meeting agenda, noticed that it was a few minutes after the hour and rushed off to the meeting the agenda was for. I got to the room and saw only a few of the people I was expecting to see. They all looked at me with smiles on their faces. It was then that I realized that I wasn't supposed to be in this meeting. It happened to be using the same room as my meeting would use - later. I think it's time for a little break. I know my family would like that. But I can't take any time off until this new product is released late in March. Can I hold on till then? Stay tuned.

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