We had previously gotten a dusting of snow and ice a couple of days ago but this is our first real snow of the winter. You can see my usual picture to the right. It doesn't look as impressive because I took this the day after the snow after we'd cleared the car and packed down a lot of the snow in a snowball fight and in making a snowman. The local TV station says we got at least seven inches but I think we got more than that. The TV station reports that a town a few miles away got almost ten inches so I think it depends on who measures it. But if that's what they say on TV, it must be true!

Our snowman looked a lot better yesterday when we made it. A photographer from our local paper even stopped to take pictures of the kids putting the finishing touches on it. This morning, you can see it must have been a rough night. The snowman looks like it is leaning into a strong wind but it's just leaning - no wind.
We cleared the dirveway once when we thought the snow was ending but then the forecast changed and we got more snow. It snowed until dark so we will have to clear it today when there is time. I'm glad we can just walk to church this morning.
We need eyes and a nose and mouth on him.
Wow snow! Ours keeps coming and going too quickly to make a snowman or go sledding. You should put a hat, scarf and a bottle of wine on your snowman, it does seem to be leaning a little hard (with no wind.)
Smile today. :)
We do not have any snow now.
too bad because I like to play in the Snow and is the snowman there now no it is not. It was a Big Snowman too.
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