Friday, April 06, 2012

On my ride into work today

It was a bit chilly this morning when I got ready to ride my scooter into work. I had already taken our dog Charlie for his walk and it didn't seem too bad to me. My wife, of course, worries about me and I'm glad she does but I assured her it wasn't too cold.

Then I got to the cranberry bogs along my route and saw this. The cranberry plants have already started to bud and frost can damage them. I don't know too much about how spraying water and having it freeze on the plants is better than regular frost but these farmers know what they are doing and wouldn't do this (and spend all the money for water for the sprinklers) if it didn't help.

Another interesting aspect to this is that at one point, one of our products was being considered by our local growers to help in this situation. We make a line of products that measure various properties like temperature, relative humidity, air pressure etc. Our instrument can be programmed to look at a number of properties and decide if frost is imminent and close a relay (or send an email) when the conditions are right. The relay could then turn on the sprinklers. It turns out that the farmers needed more control than we could offer. So, they still have to get up early on a cold morning and start the sprinklers. Just in case.


Cindy said...

No wonder you are always late, you're off taking pictures!

Gloria said...

Very nice distraction! I always like photos of the cranberry bogs, reminds me of my visit to Ocean Spray.
Smile today. :)