Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sometimes I surprise myself

I just remembered this and want to write it down before I forget it - again.

I was at a meeting or conference one time a long time ago. Just as we were getting started, someone walked into the room and announced, "There's red car with license number ABC-123 outside with its headlights on." And, in a completely uncharacteristic bit of quick thinking and outspokenness, I piped up, "Don't worry, they'll go out after a while." I was pleasantly surprised at how many people thought that was funny.

I made that joke up on the spot. At least, I don't remember ever hearing it before. But maybe it's like The Dick Van Dyke Show episode when Laura writes what she thinks is a wonderful children's story only to realize later that it's a story her mother used to read to her when she was a child. But I don't think that was the case with this joke. I really believe I came up with it myself. But even more amazing was that I felt confident enough to say it out loud! That was very unlike me but it made me happy. I wonder if I'd have been as happy if no one laughed?

[Update: I like blogging. Writing this blog post not only let me get this story down so I'd remember it but as I thought about it, it brought more of the story to mind. I now remember where I was when this happened and it might make an interesting post of its own. I was taking a class in assembly language programming for the Hewlett-Packard 21MX series minicomputer. They were primitive compared to today's computers but they were quite advanced for their day.]

1 comment:

Cindy said...

It's a diary.