Then, Monday morning when Cindy and her mother needed to go to the radiation treatment center (more posts about this start here), the conditions were bad enough that I needed to drive. Then, when we got home, there was a phone message from the eye doctor asking if I could come to my appointment a half hour early. Eye appointment - I forgot about that. I grabbed a quick bite to eat and headed out one more time. Boy did I sleep well Monday night.
In spite of being on vacation, things keep happening at work that need my attention. For instance, 1) the power went off over the week-end causing problems with the daily builds of our software, 2) a bug was found in some code I wrote and 3) a hardware problem was fixed and to use it our software needed to be modified and a new version released. Thanks to my being able to work from home, my part in doing these things was not hard but time consuming.
We're expecting more snow and that means more shoveling so we'll see what happens in coming days. But the snow we've had so far has been quite beautiful. The look in the trees reminds me of how it looked after Christmas early this year. So, I've decided to post one of the pictures I took early in January this year. It is a view of the Coonamessett River in Teaticket Village (part of the town of Falmouth, MA) from the Raleigh Costa Bridge. I stood in the snow and cold for about an hour getting a lot of pictures of this scene. I liked this one best. To see it full sized, just click on this small copy.
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