Wednesday, March 11, 2015

A short note about an interesting sign

When I ride my scooter to work (which I haven't been able to do since the middle of January), I pass a small church which has a sign out front that has a section that can carry a short message. Sometimes, it announces activities and services and sometimes it has short little messages.

The short messages are sometimes humorous but they are always meant to make you think. The one I want to tell you about today is not necessarily humorous. But it says a lot in a few words:

Don't forget. You are unique.
Just like everyone else.
The first line is encouraging while the second line brings us back to reality. Too many of us take the first line and run with it. We take it as a license to place ourselves in front of everyone and everything else. We use it as an excuse for thinking we deserve special treatment.

The second line hearkens back to the Golden Rule.

The little church, the Cataumet Methodist Church, is a partner church with the Bourne Methodist Church. Their combined website is at this link. The Methodists seem to have a tendency of combining small churches like this. My mother used to go to a Methodist church that was partnered with two other churches in the area. They shared a minister and later, as finances decreased, they all moved into one building. But that didn't help things because the Methodist district conference later dissolved all three churches.

There is another interesting thing about the Cataumet church. This is where I first got involved with a Valentine's Day dance for special needs kids who met in the basement of the church. The dance used to be held there, too, until our company opened up its cafeteria to the dance so more people could attend and more of our employees could join the band. I wrote about that dance here and here. And every one of the kids who attended the dance was unique. Just like the rest of us.

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