Friday, January 01, 2021

Welcome 2021


We made it! It seemed to take forever. But, as my son points out, "What is really different?" The number of infections, hospitalizations and deaths keep growing. The inoculations are not nearly as far along as planned. Many businesses are in big trouble. There are still millions of people unemployed and most are in bad financial health. People are way behind in rent and mortgage payments. While there are protections for now, how much longer can those last? Yes, we've turned a page on the calendar and we can say we made it through 2020 (at least most of us can say that) but what are we facing in 2021?

This is NOT going to be easy. There is a ton of work to do. We still need to help our neighbors and watch that we don't take things for granted. It is easier than ever to get infected with Covid-19. It is more critical now than ever for us to be vigilant to the needs in our community.

I am a Christian and I believe that Jesus loves us and will help us. But that does not mean that life is easy. It does not mean that we are not in danger. I have something to say to my fellow Christians. It is very important that we help our neighbors out. Who is our neighbor? The people who like us and the people who hate us. The people next door and the people around the world.Other Christians and people who are not Christians. I cannot believe that my fellow Christians are downplaying these problems just so a lying con-man won't be made to look bad. Understand this - he already looks bad and he is making the Church look bad in its support of him.

Yes we are to forgive him. Yes we are to pray for him. Yes, we wish he succeeds - at least we hope that he succeeds in being the President. We should not wish that he builds his own ego and power at the expense of the poor and rejected in our country and the world.

We can only stop this pandemic and get our lives back by ignoring the direction set out by that lying con-man who is our President for about 20 more days. After that, we need to turn this country away from the ignorance he projected. Please join me in fighting the battle that Jesus wants us to fight.

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