Monday, March 22, 2010

Sad day for a mug

My parents bought me a mug like this back in the 70's. I don't remember if they got it for me while I was in college or when I got a job and moved away. But it was at least 30 years old. I liked it because it was small and I couldn't drink too much coffee or tea during the day. It was also a conversation piece.

There had been a commercial for Nescafe on television back in the late 60's or early 70's that showed a much larger, rounder globe that was really impractical for drinking because the hole in the top was too small and hard to get to your lips. But Nescafe must have had a lot of requests so they made this more practical version.

Well, today I was heating up my cup of tea in the microwave and wasn't watching what I was doing and I dropped it. It shattered into a million pieces - well beyond hope of gluing it back together. I didn't have much chance to think about it and lament because people were coming in for coffee break and I needed to clean the mess up. It wasn't until I got back to my desk (tea-less) that I started to feel sad about it. But now I have the opportunity to bring in one of the mugs my family has bought me over the years to use here. I hope I can be careful and make it last another 30 years.


Cindy said...

Did we have another one somewhere?

JED said...

We had another one at one time (back in the old house three years ago!). It might be in boxes in the attic or in the basement. Maybe Evan, with his sharp eyes who found those lost access cards, can find it:-)