Thursday, May 31, 2012

Last night's dream

In my dream, my family and I were on our way to Heaven. But in this dream, it was more like the opposite of the Greek myth of Charon, the ferryman, taking dead souls across the river Styx to Hell. In this dream, we drove up to a place where a boat would take us down a river to Heaven. When we drove to the place where we would catch the boat, it turned out to be run by one of my co-workers and her husband. In reality, they run a charter fishing business. Her husband is a full-time charter captain and my co-worker captains part-time.

She recognized us and pleasantly welcomed us. I was both excited and worried. I knew that this was the end of our life on Earth. I was sad to be giving up that part of our lives but I was excited that we would be seeing our deceased friends and relatives. We would be seeing Jesus and experiencing God's glory. So, as we got out of our car (what would become of it?) and headed for the boat, I was reluctant to gather my family together and head to the boat knowing they would never experience things I had hoped for them. But I knew they would be happy and contented where we were heading.

We climbed aboard the rickety boat that seemed to be leaking and not very stable. My co-worker would be guiding the boat with a pole and nothing else. As we headed down the river, the water became rough. There were twists and turns so that we couldn't see very far ahead. Our guide, my co-worker, now became more serious as she picked her way through the treacherous water. At every turn, I hoped to soon be seeing the bright light of Heaven. I strained to hear the voices of the angels praising God. But the trip went on and on. My family became anxious. Then, up ahead, there seemed to be a landing spot. We knew our journey would be over soon and we were all excited. We knew, even if Heaven wasn't as we'd pictured it, it would be a wonderful place where we would have no fear and be comforted by our Savior.

As we stepped on the shore, we looked around. We didn't see Jesus. We didn't see our relatives. We weren't comforted by God's glory. We were led to seats in an amphitheater. We saw pictures and posters being displayed. We saw a demonstration begin that was simply a presentation to try to get us to buy life insurance. A dream or a nightmare? I'm not sure which. But when I woke up, I was sweating and greatly disappointed. I looked over and saw my wife. I was glad to see we were still together. It would be a long time before we faced the reality of what I thought we were heading to. I know getting to Heaven will not be anything like that dream. And besides, I already have good life insurance.

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