Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The return of the Tree Muncher

It's back. In an earlier post, I talked about the mysterious machine that was eating a path through the woods behind our office. The mystery was solved when I got a chance to talk with the operator (and owner) of the machine.

Well, a week ago, on the way back from my walk, I heard the machine clanking and buzzing through the woods again. The buzzing sound is the sound of it tearing through the wood of a tree it is mincing into wood chips and sawdust.

I didn't have time to see where it was and what it was doing. I had to get back to work. Then, I got so busy at work last week that I didn't get a chance to walk all week. I finally got out yesterday to see what had happened. The top picture is one I took about a month before the Tree Muncher had its meal. The bottom picture shows the results.There was already a road here so that small pick-up trucks could drive through to test the wells in the area (testing the groundwater for contaminants) but it was starting to get overgrown. It made it more of an adventure to go for walks when it felt more closed in. Now it feels like I'm walking on a highway. At least most of the trees were left.

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