Monday, April 11, 2011

Another view of change

Continuing on the theme of my last blog post, how our children have grown over the last three years, I offer two more pictures I took - three years apart. These pictures were also taken on the grounds of the Ecotarium in Worcester, MA. There is a small (very small) observatory on the highest point of the Ecotarium grounds. Our son Evan has always been fond of studying the stars and planets so I thought it would be interesting to get a picture of him near their observatory. Unfortunately, we weren't there when it was operating. Maybe some day. The first picture (top right) was taken on April 9, 2008 when Evan was 11 years old.

The second picture was taken just a few days ago on April 8, 2011 and he is now 14 years old. As you can see, he's grown quite a lot in three years. You can also see that he now needs glasses. He held off needing glasses much longer than my wife and I did, though. My wife needed glasses when she was about 3 years old and I needed them when I was about 8 years old. And Evan's eyes are not nearly as bad as either of ours. In this and many other ways, he is better than the sum of my wife and I. That is true of our daughter, Emma, too, but that is less surprising since we adopted her.

We also got to see a fascinating planetarium show that day entitled Passport to the Universe. I hope to write more about that in a later post.

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