Monday, September 24, 2012

A short note about back pain

Sometimes I think my back is feeling better. Then other times, I think my back feels as bad as it did when I first pulled it. Now I think I've figured it out.

Since I hurt my back two weeks ago, I've just been learning how to keep my body in a position so that my back doesn't hurt. When I forget to do that, the pain returns. That's why my back hurts more in the morning - I've been sleeping and couldn't keep my body in the non-pain position. It just takes me a while to position myself the right way so that it doesn't hurt.

I have a physical coming up next week. They are going to hear all about my theories.


Fire-Cat said...

Poor little daddy...
I you put in the post saying: I first pulled pulled. So I'm thinking you might have not seen what you just wrote but I hope your back will get better I'll Give you a nice "Hug" when you get home!

P.S. In LEGO Racers I got to Mars with 12 Golden Bricks & the AR-tick I don't know how to spell AR-Tick Mama's over at Grandma's house.

I Love You!

JED said...

Thank you, Fire-Cat. I fixed "pulled pulled".

You spell it Arctic. I'm glad you got to Mars. That was my favorite race.

Fire-Cat said...

Thank you JED!