Tuesday, December 31, 2019


I am still around. I haven't published a blog post since February 4 this year. There are many reasons I haven't written but there really is no good reason for not writing a blog post once in a while. It doesn't take that long and there are certainly a lot of things to write about and the list of subjects continues to grow. There are so many terrible, wonderful, funny and tragic things happening that just invite comment that I could write a post every day. But the writing itself is the hard part. I don't know when I realized that. I used to think that writing was easy but that is because I wasn't critically looking at my own writing. If there were words on the page, I would think that was writing. Coming up with ideas is easy. Getting on to Blogger to write is easy. But writing a coherent, interesting story is not easy. Even spelling is made easy with Blogger's automatic wavy-red-underline marking for suspected misspelled words gives you the most obvious corrections. I even misspelled "misspelled" the first time and corrected it with a click.

So, rather than wait for tomorrow to begin my New Year's Resolution of writing in my blog, I'm starting today with this post. It's neither coherent (which I also misspelled the first time) nor interesting but I can work on that. It's the old story - If you want to be a writer, write!

I am hoping to write more blog posts in 2020. It shouldn't be too hard to do better than this year. The first few posts could be about what happened in 2019 and why those things worked against my taking time to write blog posts. Also, I've seen some interesting movies, read some interesting books and learned many new things. My faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, continues to grow. The pastor of our church continues to give us encouragement in his sermons and teach us new things about taking the gifts we've been given and using them in our community and spreading the Good News.

One final note, I'm going to read through the Bible this year using The Bible Project daily reading reminders. Of course, you can just read straight through the Bible but the resources at The Bible Project offer other things like animations explaining the layout of each book and other background resources. It also ensures that you read a Psalm each day, along with the main reading for the day.

Here is wishing you a happy New Year ahead.

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