The Tiger Moth I'm speaking about is shown in this picture (from this link). The Tiger Moth was a training aircraft that was used in Britain, Canada and other Commonwealth countries. Mom worked in the office on the base and once in a while, the trainers would take the girls in the office up in those flimsy looking things. No cockpit. Noisy. Not much between you and the air rushing by. And the pilots, of course, wanted to see if they could get the girls scared. So, I could almost imagine my mother going up the first time. But once she knew what to expect? Just amazing. Mom, you never cease to amaze me!
Do we get scared as we grow older or just wiser? Do we think we're invincible when we're younger or do we just need to be more careful because we have people we're responsible for when we're older? I don't know but we definitely seem to do fewer crazy things as we age. But I'm glad we have the stories to tell.
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