Friday, February 26, 2010

Why NBC bought rights to the Olympics

I was listening to a story on the radio on the way home tonight about how many people are complaining about the coverage of the Winter Olympics by NBC. Most events cannot be seen as they are happening. There is too much talking and analysis and not enough action. Many events are only partially covered. We see only the highlights. This was contrasted with coverage in other countries where, as one Norwegian said, if they didn't fully cover all the events there would probably be riots.

I was thinking that while one of the obvious strategies for NBC is to have the Olympics for their drawing effect so they could compete against what the other networks are showing during this time. But I think a another part of their strategy is to keep other networks from getting the Olympics. It's almost as if NBC feels it wins by the other networks not being able to use the Olympics to beat NBC in the ratings. It's like a chess match where one player will play to a draw just so they don't lose a game in which they are not doing well. They think they'll win another time. Is that what NBC is thinking? With the kind of coverage they are showing us, I find it hard to imagine when they might win.

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