Friday, April 03, 2009

We're a long way from the new year

When I stopped at the post office recently on my way home from work, I noticed a lot fewer cars were parked in the lot. Back in January, I was complaining about the number of people who were using the exercise gym in the same building as the post office and parking as close to the building as possible. It seemed silly to pay to take an exercise class and then try to get as little exercise as possible getting into the building. This also made it hard for people trying to get in and out of the post office quickly because we had to park so far away from the building.

Well, it looks like the New Year's Resolutions are falling off. Fewer and fewer people are using the gym and it is easy to find a parking place at the post office. I haven't quit my "No more Doritos" resolution yet. Although, as my son says, I've replaced Doritos with popcorn. Got to get the salt somewhere :-)

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Emma wants you to know she has a hurting boo boo!