Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Perhaps I've just missed the news but...

Are any of the other companies drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico helping out with cleaning up the mess caused by BP's blown oil well? As I say in the title, perhaps I just missed the news. But I think the other oil companies are missing a terrific chance to get good press coverage by volunteering to help clean up the spilled oil. But perhaps they are not helping because they don't want to be associated with the mess BP has created. After all, BP apparently has a pretty bad record for safety.

There is an article here that states that BP is getting help in the form of ideas from other big oil companies. While that is good news, I don't think it helps as much as it would if Exxon or Shell (for instance) would send their own people and boats to the spill area to help with the clean-up. I would feel a lot better about all the oil wells dotting our waters if I knew that when something bad happened, all the oil companies would jump in to help. Kind of like when fire departments from neighboring communities answer the call when a fire is too big for the local fire company to handle.

The picture here is from the US Coast Guard at this link.

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