Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A joke that tells something of my personality

This is one of my favorite jokes. I tell it every chance I get. I wish I could credit it but it came from a book about how to tell a joke that I bought (and lost) a long time ago.

An American opera singer gets his big chance to sing in a production at La Scala in Milan, Italy. He is nervous but works very hard and believes he is ready to perform on opening night. The big night comes and it's time for his big aria. He begins hesitantly but, as he goes on, gains in confidence and by the end he feels he's sung it the best he's ever done. The crowd goes crazy and applauds and cheers and pleads with him do it again. He is thrilled that this crowd, which has seen the very best opera singers, likes him. With the conductor's permission, he sings the aria again. And after the repeat performance, the crowd again gives him an ovation. If anything, they are cheering louder than the first time. So, he sings it again! This goes on a few more times. He has now sung the aria five times and is beginning to tire. Amid the cheering, he walks to the edge of the stage and motions for quiet. He says, "I am deeply humbled here today. I thank you for your encouraging response to my singing of this beautiful aria but I believe it is time to continue with the opera. My colleagues must also be heard and we must go on and finish this opera." Again, there is thunderous applause and as he turns to walk back to his place in the cast, a voice shouts from the balcony, "You'll sing it till you get it right!"

I'm such a neurotic. I'm sure that every compliment, every invitation to do something again, every day I get to go back to work is just a hair's-breadth away from finding out that I've been doing it wrong all this time. I think that's why I have such an affinity for this joke.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I don't remember that joke.