There is (or at least there was) some worry about the number of butterflies declining around the world (
a New York Times article on this). It may seem trivial if you don't understand how interrelated all the life on Earth is. But even if it isn't important to the environment as a whole, wouldn't it be a shame to lose the beauty of them? We can't keep building homes, roads and factories without considering the consequences of what we are doing. I know this is another thing that other Christians often say I'm wrong about. But it has always seemed wrong to me that we should destroy what God has given us. He has made us stewards of this world and what would you think of someone if you made them steward of your home and saw them ruining it? God told Adam and Eve to subdue the world, not wreck it.

Well, last week as I was walking in the woods behind our office, I was amazed at the number of butterflies I was seeing. There weren't huge flocks like you see in Mexico but I was seeing more than I've seen in a long time. I'd see one or two butterflies every 10 - 20 yards as I walked. I'm not sure why they were so spread out. Maybe they are territorial like birds and male butterflies drive other males away. Just wondering. Don't quote me on that.

I had a hard time getting close enough to take good pictures of them. Lucky for me I've got a pretty good zoom on this camera. It let me get a few good shots which I'm sharing here. Sorry they;re not bigger. Maybe if I catch them sleeping next time (do butterflies sleep?), I'll get some better ones. The one in the second picture seems to be glaring at me! But I'm glad, at least in this small area, the butterflies seem to be doing better. Perhaps the fact that we have started to think about the consequences of our building is helping. Or the decreased use of powerful pesticides and our learning to use more focused methods of controlling insect pests. Time will tell.
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