Friday, July 22, 2011

More funny graffiti

Well, it's Friday and I'm about to go home for the day but there is time for one, short post.

For some reason, I recently remembered something that happened to me when I was about 12 or 13 years old. We had gone out to one of my parents' favorite restaurants. It was sort of fancy and normally, in such a nice place, you wouldn't see graffiti on the walls of the restroom. But apparently this line, written above the men's stand-up urinal, was considered high class enough for the restaurant. Or maybe it had been written just before I got there and before one of the employees got to it.

"The future of the world in in your hands"

I thought I was such a man of the world when I got the joke. I'd known about this stuff since my father had "the talk" with me but it wasn't something we talked about in the open. It was more like something my friends and I whispered about in gym or at the roller skating rink. I so enjoyed the joke that I repeated it, in a very low voice of course, when I got back to my parents. I'll never forget the look on my mother's face. It was a lot like the face she made the first time I swore in front of them when I came home from college one year. I think she knew that I knew about such things but she wasn't sure just how much I knew about such things. It just added to her worries about me. But my father had a good laugh. He knew what I knew. At least he was pretty sure.


Gloria said...

Funny stuff...isn't it great to remember things like this as our children are growing up, telling us funny stuff too.
Smile today. :)

Cindy said...

You never swore in front of your parents???

JED said...

No, I never swore in front of my parents until I went to college and came home. Of course, Mom said, "So, is that why we sent you to college?"