Friday, July 08, 2011

My son's birthday

I'm actually entering this post on July 11 but I'm writing about three days ago so I'm labeling this as July 8 because that is my son's birthday. To be more specific, I've set the time to 9:38 PM - when he was actually born.

As usual, I can't believe another year has passed and I especially can't believe Evan is 15 years old! To bring out the well worn cliche, " seems like yesterday that he was born." My poor wife had to go through 32 hours of labor (is that right, Sweetheart?) before the doctors and nurses finally let her stop pushing and have a Cesarean Section to deliver our boy. I can't remember if I've mentioned this before but my first act as Evan's father, as I held him for the first time, was to apologize to him for all the mistakes I was going to make in bringing him up. And, it turns out, I underestimated the number of things I would get wrong. He is a bright, attentive, curious and handsome young man and I haven't done all I should to help him reach his potential. But I will keep trying to improve. I will try to remember to encourage him instead of criticizing him for slight problems. I will try to expose him to the wonders of this world more often. And I will try to help him develop his relationship with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. And I'm going to continue to try to beat him in games. But the number of things I can win is getting smaller every day.

Happy birthday, Evan.


Unknown said...

Please for humanity's sake please do it once
I have made a blog at Since i have added a google adsense in the blog but haven't made a penny with this. I need your help and support to help me make some money to PAY MY Tuition Fees.

What you have to do is follow these simple steps

1.go to my blogger profile and visit my blog "Kwotz - Golden Words of Life"
2.Remain on the page i.e Kwotz for one minute or so and do some random surfing
3. click ONE of the ads that APPEALS to you from ADChoices boxes and visit there.
4.remain on that page for one minute or so and do some random surfing.
and that's it.

Note: Only ONE click is needed. If you don't wanna help then just visit my blog.
I will be grateful to you if you put my blog on your Blogroll.
I really need your help

JED said...

I have done what you asked but please don't do this to other bloggers.

First of all, it is impolite to make a comment on someone's blog and then not mention anything about their blog in your comment. Second, don't blow your request out of proportion. What you requested has nothing to do with Humanity. It only has to do with your wanting to earn some money. I can sympathize that you need money for tuition. Many of us did at one time or other. Finally, if you are really requesting this as a Christian and "for humanity's sake", don't ask people to cheat. Just following some rules to trick Google AdSense into sending you money is not the right thing to do. I looked through the ads on your site and found something I was truly interested in and requested information about it. I didn't just randomly surf around.

I wish you luck on your education. I pray that you learn more than just facts.